Thursday, June 19, 2014

Your Help is Needed

This is a plea for volunteers at the

Marion County Animal Shelter.  
Dear Animal Lover,     
"I have been volunteering once a week at the Marion County Animal Shelter located in Ocala, since June, 2012, and my main job there is walking dogs.  I am now concerned about there current volunteer program, as I have become the only volunteer to walk dogs.  Right now they number 52.  Some of these dogs aren't out of their kennels for two weeks, and sometimes because of this inactivity and lack of human socialization, a few become "kennel crazy" and are therefore put down, all because they are not walked on a regular basis.
    All of these dogs are great shelter dogs and deserve a second chance.  Walking them regularly, even for a mere 10 minutes, would provide one method of "saving their lives" until they can find a permanent home.
    Consequently, this is a plea for anyone who may be interested in giving a few hours of their time as a "dog walking" volunteer to the Shelter.  Unfortunately, one cannot just "show up" to do so, as the county insists that a volunteer application be submitted, and once accepted, the volunteer watch a video which provides information about interacting with the dogs while at the Shelter (which is a good tool).  The Shelter is located at 5701 SE 66th Street, Ocala, FL 34480, (352-671-8700).
    Please contact me at my email address ( or phone (352-693-2314) if you or someone you know may be interested in volunteering.  I can answer any questions, or even take you to the shelter if needed for a "preview".  I know the dogs would be elated to see you!!
    Thank you -
    Gail Meyer