Sunday, March 30, 2014

Bake Sale to Benefit Dog Park

Bake Sale 

To benefit the future Dog Park

Just a little information about the upcoming Bake Sale for RDOG 3 on Saturday, April 19th; 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., the Bake Sale will be held in the Admiral Nimitz's Room at Eisenhower Recreation Center and baked goods should be dropped off at 8:30 a.m. that day. If that is a problem you can drop them off at my house 3185 Jemima Avenue in the Lindsey Villas on Friday.
Here are a couple of helpful hints to make our sale run smooth:
  • please label your goods especially if containing nuts ( ex: brownies with pecans )
  • please if possible put your goods in containers or plates that do not have to be returned
  • cookies in clear bags with 2-3 large or 6 average in each bag
  • bar cookies/brownies that you think we can sell separately in sandwich bags if possible

We will have bags and some containers to divide cakes and cupcakes into smaller groupings if necessary. We are hoping for a great turn out and appreciate all of you hard work.
If you have any questions or ideas please feel free to call me Diane Ferguson 352-633-7362.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dynamic Dog Club

Dynamic Dog Club

The March meeting is today

March 26th from 4 to 5:30 p.m.

 3rd Annual Doga Palooza

Free Event

The Dynamic Dog Club Canine Drill Team will perform

Bring a Chair

Where:  Odell Recreation Center Pavillion

Dogs are welcome and must be owners are welcome too.

There will be a "Tricks Spectacular" to demonstrate and teach tricks to your dogs. This will be led by Chris Knistnler and Ann Heathman who are resident dog trainers.

All are welcome to this event.  Membership applications will be available for this club if you are interested.

There will be agility, magic and balance tricks.  Tricks will be demonstrated and taught to attendees and their dogs.  

Monday, March 17, 2014

Notes from March 5th, 2014 Meeting

Notes from Janet Honenberger, Secretary of RDOG 3 group
“We are ALIVE and on the RADAR”
Meeting Began:   7 pm on March 5, 2014, 
Place:  Eisenhower Rec Center 
Our President, Diane Ferguson welcomed everyone and introduced our Treasurer, Susan Ferguson, our Secretary, Janet Hohenberger and our Vice President, Tom Van Tusen. 
  • Susan gave a financial report. 
  • Secretary Janet gave an overview of our previous meeting where Karen Tynes explained the beginning of the Dog parks in the Villages and the Cutter Alert . 
  • Tom reviewed our meeting with John Rohan.Tom presented us with charts so we could sign up for committees, baking & volunteering for our bake sale in April, volunteering to bring snacks for our RDOG3 meetings etc.

If you attended last month’s meeting, you were educated by Dr. Steven Drum DVM from Colony Plaza Animal Hospital. Dr. Drum covered many subjects: Acquiring a dog from, the Humane Society, Breed Rescues, Pet Stores or Breeders.
Dr. Drum discussed the Stages of Life in our dogs from Puppy Care through the Adult Stage consisting of: Vaccinations, Parasite Control, Physical Exams, Neuter & Spaying. Adult stage: Heart Worm, Flea & Tick, Dental Hygiene, Proper Weight Management, Bladder Stones, Protein %s in dog food and calories in snacks.
During Dr. Drum’s presentation our members asked concerned questions from all areas of pet ownership.
50/50 drawing and a door prize.
Diane thanked everyone for attending our RDOG3 meeting, invited us back next month and the meeting adjourned approximately at 8:20PM.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Breed Of The Month - PUG

  • Pug

  • Remember to send me a photo of your dog so I can post it and any story you may have.  Thanks all. Carene

  • The pug is a toy dog with a wrinkly, short-muzzled face and curled tail. The breed has a fine, glossy coat that comes in a variety of colors, although often black or fawn, and a compact square body with well-developed muscles. Wikipedia

  • Scientific nameCanis lupus familiaris

  • Life span12 to 15 years

  • TemperamentCharming, Playful, Docile, Clever, Quiet, Stubborn, Attentive, Sociable

  • Thursday, March 6, 2014


    FREE - Shredding Day


    When:  On March 23

    Time:  8:30 - 10:30 a.m.

    Where:  748 Village Campus Circle
                  Buffalo Ridge Animal Hospital

    Off of 466 between Red Lobster and Golden Corall behind Tire Choice

    Donations are tax deductible - Sponsored by The Buffalo Ridge Animal Hospital and The Villages Rainbow Club

    Wednesday, March 5, 2014



    True story by Dan and Carene

    He was our first dog.  He was part Border Collie and something else and he'd do anything for praise.  We lived in a small house on a rural rout in a college town in Kansas.  We taught Max to get the newspaper in the morning and he was happy to do it.  He'd hit the screen door with the paper in his mouth every morning.   We'd come to the door and we'd take the newspaper out of his grip and tell him what a good boy he was and give him a pat on the head.  He learned this so well.  This went on day after day.  

    Then one day, we tried to sleep in a bit, but there was Max, banging the paper on the screen door louder than ever.  Dan went to the door and called me to come to see this.  There on the front lawn was a stack of newspapers that Max had picked up from each house down the road and brought it to our house. 

    Dan and I drove down the rout that morning redelivering papers as quickly as we could thinking what did we do.  We loved that little guy.

    Saturday, March 1, 2014

    March 5th Meeting - Guest Speaker from Colony Animal Hospital

    Guest Speaker from Colony Animal Hospital

    Just a friendly reminder about the upcoming meeting on March 5th at Eisenhower for our second RODG 3. Our speaker will be Dr Steven Drum from the Colony Animal Hospital.

    Please put this date on your Calendar  we have been given permission to have our first fund raiser a Bake Sale in side Eisenhower. We will need lots of people to bake and all proceeds will go towards the dog park ( benches, water etc) I am excited and hope that you will pick one of your favorite recipes to share with everyone.

    See you Wednesday night.

    Lets have a great turnout again.  Looking forward to seeing you.